A highly respected insurance litigation and dispute resolution lawyer, Helen’s legal career has been dedicated exclusively to insurance since her admission to the bar in 2003. In that time, Helen has advised and acted on claims against both insureds and insurers under professional indemnity, general liability, directors and officers, associations liability, employment disputes and statutory liability insurance. A tough, talented and trusted advocate, Helen has routinely appeared in civil hearings before New Zealand Courts and various statutory and professional regulatory bodies, including NZLS (barristers & solicitors), CA ANZ (accountants), ENZ (engineers), IFSO and FSCL (financial advisers), REA (real estate agents) and the PDGB (plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers).
Helen regularly acts and appears for insured defendants in respect of criminal prosecutions under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 by WorkSafe and Maritime New Zealand, and under the Resource Management Act by Councils. In addition to liability defence and claims handling work for insurers, Helen’s practice frequently involves providing complex indemnity advice to insurers, including on non-disclosure and avoidance, and issues arising out of an insured’s insolvency. She has drafted and advised on numerous stand alone and combined liability policy wordings and endorsements in the New Zealand market, including for new insurers, managing general agencies and international brokers entering the New Zealand market. Helen is an accomplished and sought-after presenter of risk management and insurance focused seminars to insurers, brokers, insureds and insurance sector industry bodies.
Helen appeared as a leading lawyer in the NZ Lawyer Magazine Insurance Law Superstars, has been individually ranked in Chambers and Partners, and noted as a “Leading Individual” in Asia Pacific Insurance Law in The Legal 500 for a number of years.
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33 Shortland Street
Auckland 1010
PO Box 2068
Auckland, NZ
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Level 2, General Buildings
33 Shortland Street
Auckland 1010
PO Box 2068
Auckland, NZ
Ruby Black Building
201-203 High Street
Christchurch 8011
© 2024 Robertsons